with a trip to Bolingbrook to pick up the U-Haul truck.. 1st stop Ikea. We breezed through Ikea with the precision of skilled shoppers. Loaded our findings onto 2 carts, yes, 2 carts I was pushing one overflowing while Ken pushed the furniture cart. Checked out and surprisingly came in under budget. We loaded the U-Haul and headed home to pick up our goodies that were packed and waiting. 3 hours later driving through pouring rain we arrived at the Lakehouse, me driving the U-Haul truck and Ken driving tha Saturn with the dogs in the back seat. It stopped raining for about 30 minutes and thats all it took to unload the truck.
We stayed up and put together beds, and living room furniture, unpacked dishes and glassware then crashed. New bed, strange surroundings, pouring rain and wind, but we were so tired it didn't matter. Slept like babies.
Woke up to a very cold and windy Saturday. Drove into Angola and bought a Washer and Dryer while we had the truck to haul it back home. Spent the rest of saturday putting together furniture, decorating and cleaning. here's a couple of photo's... One is the Living room and the other the Dining room... What do you think?
I think you need to come and do my house. I don't have a decorative bone in my body!! LOL